
Thank you for this beautiful expression of gender identity! As a parent of a transgendered child, I so appreciate this…please publish it or submit it so it can be heard by a wider audience!!



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This is amazing and thoughtful ! I love hearing from someone who has experience in these issues , unlike our crazy legislators who are voting for these unwise and unnecessary bills .

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Thank you for your very wise words!

I just wish more people understood and felt this way in this state.

My best to you and babu!

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Thank you, Lindsey. This is such a beautiful sentiment, and is a perspective very much worth amplifying right now.

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This is absolutely beautiful. I wish more people were handling this topic with the same humility, candor, firmness and yet also grace that you handled it with here. Also I had never heard the term “gender-creative” before and I love it.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

Thank you Lindsey. This was very moving for me to read. I have been struggling a LOT with my religious/spiritual identity for a while now, because it was founded in a very different perspective than this, and I no longer align with what I was taught. I've felt as though I have to believe or agree with certain things regarding the LGBTQ+ community, gender identity, etc., or I can't be a Christian. Like I don't get to claim a faith unless it aligns exactly with the people who I first learned from about God. It's been heartbreaking and confusing. It stirs my heart to hear a woman of faith that I respect express these thoughts and feelings, because I don't feel alone or rejected. So glad you feel moved to write and share your perspectives. Much love! See you tomorrow :)

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Wow, Lindsey. You have eloquently captured the current state government’s “fear” of all that is not ‘straight’ and the mind-set chills me to the bone.

We must meet the challenges of keeping all children safe, regardless if they know themselves to be queer or transgendered.

Some Native American tribes view people and they’re the duality of spirits. What a beautiful, inclusive and loving way to accept love is LOVE!

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